You want to travel to USA

Times are changing and as such, the process of going abroad is changing. Speaking of travel-related changes, it is worth noting that if you have a social media account and plan to travel abroad, you should remember what you post as you can use ads. Of course, not only social media, but others. Why? Currently, the United States (US) is seeking information on civil relations from VISA applicants. What this means is, if you are planning to travel to the United States and you want to apply for a Visa, you may need to share your contact details with others. The U.S. requires social media details The state Department of Regulations says individuals must submit a five-year social media account of email addresses and phone numbers. While this does not apply to everyone, it does apply to many people. Prior to this time, book applicants only wanted additional content – such as people who had traveled to parts of the world controlled by a terrorist group, to submit their media information to an email address and phone number. 5 years. The department said: “We are constantly working to find ways to improve our screening process to protect Americans, while supporting better travel in the United States,