Active cities are the next turn for urban tourism -Global data

By providing a visitor experience, minimizing the consequences of accumulation and moving towards supportive management, beautiful cities are a way to move forward with the journey. Digital ‘passports’ continue to make headlines around the world and are designed to ensure the resilience of foreign travel in the event of an outbreak. This concept paves the way for a closer relationship between technology and recent travel and intelligent environments will play a key role, said GlobalData, data management and analytics industry. According to a GlobalData survey, 78% of respondents expect technology to change the way they work in the next three years. It will also affect how people travel and their experiences in a travel destination or destination. Johanna Bonhill-Smith, Travel Research at GlobalData, said: “COVID-19 has created another space for space to rebuild and reflect their travel forecasts, working for a sustainable future. Many regulatory agencies (DMOs) are reviewing their travel product and working to improve their image to attract more ‘traveling’ patients. Others, anyway, work on ‘smart smart’ to ensure that uninformed visitors are infected with the disease and take care of travel through the control panel as they work for more such travel “Although we has mentioned the concept of ‘beautiful city’ times in the past, the fact is that only a few active places work on it. Many DMOs are behind the cancer process. However, since the business is focusing on leveraging technologies to enhance the visitor experience through innovation and ‘no work to do alongside speed integration, it is clear that DMOs can incorporate more data into day management front. ”