5 things you need to know before dating

If your quest is having to move to one of the most flourishing cities in the world, the need for love can be very handy.

Canadians are known for good manners and hospitality. But, what is it like dating in this country? In this post, we will be looking at 5 things you need to know about dating when you move to Canada.

Prior to this post, we talked on some of the best dating sites in Canada. On those site, you could find love from the comfort of your home in Canada. Having said that, let’s move on to the main subject matter.

5 Things To Know About Dating In Canada
1. Roots SweatPants Is The Deal For Long Term Dating In Canada
roots sweatpants for dating in canada
I don’t know which country you currently reside in. I equally do not know what dates are like over there. However, in Canada, don’t be surprised if you asked for a date and your beau shoes up in a pair of roots sweatpants.

This is as a result of the fact that roots sweatpants is kind of a norm and usually much appreciated for dates in Canada. Unlike in a few other countries where showing up that way could be the end of a relationship, it can make the beginning of a long term love story in Canada.